Friday, October 19, 2012

Cell Phone Video Could Make You the Next Big News Story

The Evolution of Technology has Given Us the Power

With each new day, it seems a new form of technology is readily available for the public. Since the invention of the World Wide Web in 1991, it has been rapidly progressing to become the major way in which we communicate and share information. New devices have made this sharing even easier, with technology like desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and now iPhones and iPads. We are in an age of citizen journalism, where anyone with access to technology has the power to create the news.

With Just A Phone in Hand, We Can Reach the World

Because of the popularity and accessibility of technology, it’s become possible to control the news with a device in the palm of your hand. More and more, news stories have sprung from online YouTube videos that have been recorded on a bystander’s iPhone. This year, a news story about a 68-year-old bus monitor being bullied by the students got widespread media attention after the video was posted on YouTube. Once the story gained recognition, support for the woman and criticism for the children came pouring in, and the children could have faced charges had Karen Klein wished to press them.

Instances when altercations or injustices are caught on camera can have detrimental effects on the reputations of the individuals involved. Many times they can have no idea they are even being filmed, and in the case of a Cleveland bus driver, his actions captured on cell phone video cost him his job, and definitely tainted his public image. A passenger on his bus recorded him punch a woman in the face, and proceed to physically throw her into a seat. Like the bus monitor video, this video went viral on YouTube and gained media attention.

It’s Not Just the Public Caught On Camera; Even Your Private Videos Can Be Leaked

While both the bus monitor and bus driver cell phone videos were taken by the general public and featured common people, important public figures can also fall victim to the cell phone video leak, even when they were taken on their own phones. Just recently, a video was leaked of U.S. defense contractors in Kabul, showing them highly intoxicated on the job. The video was taken by another employee and has sparked outrage, and even a criminal investigation. It is strictly prohibited by the military to use alcohol or other illegal drugs as a U.S. contractor under what is called General Order Number One. The startling video contains the intoxicated men wrestling and guzzling vodka, with firearms both on them and around them, as well as showing the company’s medical officer unable to respond to a request for help after using a prescription anesthetic. Due to what was captured on the video, the contractor, Jorge Scientific, has taken “decisive action to correct the unacceptable behavior of a limited number of employees” and many featured in it no longer hold their jobs.

With This Kind of Accessibility, You Could Be the Next Big Reporter

The numbers have it: almost 85% of American Adults (18+) are owners of a cell phone. 

According to poll results published on CNN, the majority of U.S. citizens who own a cell phone own smartphones, and these are the phones that can really create news due to their vast amount of features and ever-growing amount of apps. With this kind of power, virtually anybody has the opportunity to record, capture, blog, tweet, or post about an event that can translate into the next big news story. Anytime you flip on the news, you can expect to see a news story that features either a video or a photo taken from a cell phone. Oftentimes, the photos leaked are malicious and the videos posted are defamatory; however, it is possible that an act by a good Samaritan or a photo that shows a good moment can be published as well. Because we hold the devices, we hold the power. With this power, we can shape our own news and publish what we want to be seen or heard. Not only does the popularity of cell phone use affect our news, but also the popularity of our online technology like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or our personal blogs. With these platforms, we are able to speak our minds and share our stories. Unlike face-to-face communication that is restricted to those that you know or may physically encounter, the web gives us the chance to share and communicate with people we may never know or see. There are an enormous amount of connections able to be made between users from any part of the world, and these connections spread like wildfire, and talk creates news. The ability to connect with not just our friends, but also with the general public, has redefined traditional journalism and launched us into a new era. 


  1. “With great power, comes great responsibility” is a line that comes from a very popular comic book series and is very relevant to this very discussion. Although anyone can become the next big story with their new cell phone camera, it also can bring a lot of dangers to it as well. For example, at Rutger’s University, a student was filmed on camera having homosexual intercourse with another person and it was broadcasted live by his roommate to other people ( Because of this, the roommate being recorded tragically committed suicide because of the embarrassment he faced. Just because the technology is out there for a person to become the next great hit, it also can bring some very costly consequences.

  2. With this evolution of technology, mainstream news networks have also attempted to evolve alongside with these innovations, and cater to the everyday average American. One of those networks is CNN and their CNN iReport section. This is a pretty innovative approach to the wide spreading of citizen journalism across the country, and it is a great way to encourage people to record and report things that are relevant and important to people who publish these videos. This tides well with the point you made about the increase of cell phone ownership by adults in America, because the ease and accessibility of this technology and innovative reporting could be done by virtually anyone in today’s world. Some of these videos or photos could easily be used by the network, and make headlines across the website, which is actually pretty cool.

  3. Day by day technologies are increased therefore continuously change technologies and implement new gadgets with new technology. Any ways your article is very nice and appreciate it.
    Harshal Shah
